We’re learning how to live wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus, for the transformation of the world!

We want to be disciples of Jesus Christ, who share life together and with other people so we can be a growing, vibrant and relevant fellowship of Christ who will glorify God and enjoy him forever. Here’s how we do that at the moment:

We’re committed to deepening the prayer life of our congregation.

So we encourage all our members to be part of a ‘Chat and Prayer’ Group – three or four people who share their joys and struggles, pray for one another and nudge each other into mission.

There’s a short Prayer Time on Sunday mornings at 10.30am, when we ask God to help us meet with Him during worship, and pray for the needs of the congregation and beyond.

We’re committed to putting children and young people first.

So we try to make sure their voices are heard and their creativity embraced in worship and community. Our Safeguarding Policy is regularly reviewed, leaders are AccessNI checked and trained by the Methodist Church in Ireland. We host 1st Dromore Guides, run a parent and toddler group called Little Acorns, a junior and senior Youth Club, and Sunday School for children and young people aged 0 to 18+…

  • Sunday School – Every Sunday morning worship September-June begins with everyone gathered together at 11am, we love the bustle that comes with kids being part of the fellowship. After some singing, prayer and perhaps a short encouraging talk, babies, children and young people go to groups that explore following Jesus in an age-appropriate manner. Sometimes (often the last Sunday of the month) we have an All Age service where everyone worships together for a shorter service.
  • First Dromore Guides – is a very popular group for girls that meets on Monday evenings from 6.30pm.
  • Little Acorns Parent and Toddler Group – meet on Wednesday mornings 9am-11am during school terms. It’s led by Lee Clarke; children get a healthy snack and drink at around 10am, and parents/carers get a hot drink and biscuits! More details are on their facebook page.
  • Youth Club – hopes to relaunch on Friday evenings at some point in the future, with Juniors (primary school age) from 7pm to 8.30pm and Seniors (secondary school age) from 8.30pm to 10pm. It’s led by a great team who love to invest in children and young people, but we currently need more trained leaders to help it to run – get in touch if that’s you!

We know that community is good for you.

So from time to time we meet for food, exercise, hobbies, worship or fundraising – have a look at the Calendar page to see what’s coming next. Activities include:

  • Brighter Days – we run a Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Group from time to time, and hosted the Brighter Days tour in October 2023 – an evening of humour, music and inspiration drawn from the themes of Kintsugi Hope.
  • Step Up – in Summer 2022, this group met weekly to walk and raise funds for Methodist World Development & Relief.
  • Wesleyan Crafters – haven’t met since Covid but these folks enjoy creating craft pieces and chat over coffee, often preparing to sell items at Craft Fairs in the Spring and at Christmas.
  • Fundraising events – these started to take place because we built a great new hall in 2009, which needed to be paid for! But we quickly discovered that the social element to them was even more important. In the past, they have included: Christmas Fayre, Spring Fair, Coffee Mornings, Concerts, Treasure Hunt, Hillsborough Dander, Quiz Night, and more. In December 2019 we held a Christmas Tree Festival that cleared all the remaining debt! More recently, we had a Christmas Brunch in December 2022 and an Easter Brunch in April 2023 to help gather folks spend time together. Watch the facebook page for future events. Book tickets for the PSNI Ladies Choir Concert on Friday 1 December HERE>> (or turn up at the door, suggested minimum donation £8).

And of course, we gather for all-together worship every Sunday morning at 11am

We sing hymns and songs that praise God and ask for God’s help to live more like Jesus; there might be a short talk that introduces the theme of the service for younger members before they go to Sunday School; we pray for people who are sick and difficult situations around the world; a free-will offering will be collected for running expenses and mission (people also give by standing order); we read one or more passages from the Bible and hear a talk that encourages us in knowing God better and how to apply God’s word to our lives. And afterwards there’s often tea/coffee and biscuits, offering the opportunity to catch up with one another and make new friends.

We genuinely invite you to join us on this journey of missional discipleship!