In early 2018, Dromore Methodists decided to attempt a ‘big push’ to clear the remaining debt on our new hall, marking its tenth anniversary and 160 years of Methodism in the town. As the summer approached, letters were sent to local businesses, schools, churches and organisations, inviting them to participate in a Christmas Tree Festival.

Plans began to be put in place as we asked ourselves, how many trees could we accommodate, and were there enough plug sockets for the lights? Could we cater for large groups? What sort of atmosphere did we want to create? How could we help the local community feel part of the Festival?

Following a huge amount of detailed work by a committed team, and with a fair amount of both trepidation and excitement, the Festival was opened by the ABC Council Lord Mayor on 13 December 2019. A choir from Dromore Central Primary School sang some beautiful pieces from their seats in the gallery over the gathered congregation below. The Methodist District Superintendent led us in prayer, and the weekend was off to an inspired beginning.

Visitors arrived at the porch of the church to a warm welcome and a tree with white and blue lights symbolising the Angel Gabriel visiting Mary, a candle in the centre of the tree indicating that Jesus, the light of the world, was on his way. They were given a map and followed a trail of nearly forty trees that had been carefully crafted and decorated to highlight a range of activities and meanings, often with intricate details and prayerfully selected themes. One corner included a tree from each of the six churches of the Lisburn and Dromore Circuit.

Several trees offered the opportunity for interaction, where many people added their own requests for prayer, names of people they were missing at Christmas, and commitments to act kindly. As evening fell the sanctuary took on a special sense of God’s gentle presence, with twinkling lights overhead and carols played by a variety of gifted musicians. Meanwhile, a dedicated catering team served festive refreshments to visitors who chatted with one another about all they had experienced.

Our annual Christmas Fair occurred on the Saturday morning. That evening a special worship night took place in the midst of the trees, where praise and silence mixed with stories expertly told by the Methodist Lay Leader; Sunday’s morning worship with the President and afternoon Carol Service were equally meaningful. Monday morning buzzed with 250 local school children touring the trees and crafts. And then it was over! Rather than remove all the trees at once, we held on to many of them for Christmas Day, gradually reducing their number so the place didn’t seem starkly bare.

Thanks to the generosity of people giving their time, resources and money, enough was raised to pay off our main loan, which brings a great sense of accomplishment (and relief!) to the Methodist people in Dromore. But perhaps more importantly, our congregation was encouraged that prayerfully listening to God for the next step in the journey brought our people together and blessed countless folks in the community who appreciated the time they spent in the trees. Our overall theme was, “Christmas Joy” – the smiles of members and visitors alike suggest that the good news of Jesus’ birth and his presence with us, as expressed through trees, lights and decorations, brought joy to many people.