Moving Online Again

We’ve moved online again to help keep everyone safe during the current spike in coronavirus cases. Please see the letter from the Circuit here – and keep an eye on our facebook feed, WhatsApp group, e-mail list and YouTube channel for ways of worshipping, connecting and engaging in mission Read more…

Outdoor Worship!

15 August 2020 Hello friends, it’s looking like the weather will permit our outdoor worship tomorrow morning at 11am, and we’re really looking forward to seeing you! What to expect? People bring their own chairs and drinks, sit in household clumps and keep normal 2m distance. We’ll have a short Read more…


During these lockdown days of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are feeling anxious about catching the virus; many are worried about vulnerable family and friends for whom it could be life-threatening; many people aren’t able to shelter from the storm because the rest of us depend on their work. Read more…