
Our reason for existing is to glorify God and enjoy him forever! Our hearts have been set on fire by the love of God as expressed through sending Jesus, the Son of God, to the world to live and die for us. We rejoice that Jesus was raised from the dead, ascended into heaven – he’s still alive! – and that he sent the Holy Spirit so all people can know Jesus, repent, and believe this good news, receiving life in abundance and for ever.


God’s Mission is Our Mission – Jesus made disciples, and he wants us to make disciples too, with our heads knowing God, our hands serving God, and our hearts loving God. We try to share as much of life together as possible, loving one another, and including other people into our life, so the world might know that we are Jesus’ disciples and he is Lord.


Our vision is to be a growing, vibrant and relevant fellowship of Christ. The life God has given us is not to be squandered but expressed in dynamic worship, intentional discipleship and bold evangelism.


Methodism first came to Dromore in 1779, when a minister from our ‘mother’ church (Seymour Street, Lisburn) preached in the street and several people came to faith in Jesus. These people formed the beginnings of a congregation that eventually built a sanctuary in 1815, which was replaced in 1871 as the society grew. At one time there were twelve ‘class meetings’ that met regularly throughout the area (five in the town, the rest in the countryside), and ‘cottage meetings’ were also popular. “Through the Class members found fellowship and were able to care for one another”. Dromore Methodists have always placed an emphasis on gathering, caring for and encouraging children and young people to follow Jesus, through organisations such as Sunday School, the ‘Band of Hope Temperance Organisation’, ‘Christian Endeavour’, ‘Boys’ Brigade’, ‘Girl Guides’ and more recently a youth club and toddlers’ group. The church have always had an interest in supporting overseas mission, primarily through ‘JMA’ (Junior Mission for All) and ‘MWA’ (Methodist Women’s Association – which became a united Methodist Women in Ireland group with other nearby churches before closing in 2022). The first library in the town was started in the Methodist hall and was in operation for at least a generation. In 2009 a new hall and accompanying rooms were opened for use by all the community.


We are part of the Methodist Church in Ireland, an island-wide body that connects around 200 congregations (‘societies’). Our over-arching mission has always been ‘to spread scriptural holiness throughout the land’, in the words of John Wesley who was at the heart of the movement along with his hymn-writing brother, Charles: having known the heart-warming impact of the Holy Spirit on their lives, that bore fruit of holiness (being more like Jesus in character), Methodists long to share the good news about Jesus Christ in word and action with all.

The Methodist Church in Ireland recently adopted a contemporary phrasing of our vision – “Living wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus, for the transformation of the world.

Dromore Methodist Church is part of the Lagan Valley & South Down Circuit – nine churches with a total community of around 2000 children, young people and adults. We often share in worship, fellowship and outreach with our friends in the other churches as well as with sister churches in the town: like healing services, a group for preachers, the Methodist stand at the Balmoral Show, and shared worship at Christmas, Easter and Harvest.


Methodism has always placed a high regard on lay leadership, and we are blessed to have a Church Council with great leaders and others involved in the various groups and activities of the church. Our Society Steward – the lead lay person – is Linda Dougan. Secretary: currently required. Treasurer: Desmond Graham. Property Steward: Mark Gowdy. Church Representatives: Elaine Fairley, Fiona McCullough and Michael Smyth. Ross Harte (our minister) and Kathryn Harte encourage us in our discipleship and seeking the way forward for the congregation. We’ll try to get a photo here soon 🙂

Pastoral Care

Members of Dromore Methodist, and those who feel connected to us in some way, can request a home, work or coffee shop visit from our minister (Ross Harte). We will be happy to say hello, listen to you, and pray with you. In time, we hope to form groups that, much like the Class Meetings of old, will help us to care deeply for one another and those who come into our shared life. They’ll also help us to find a common mission focus so we can bless the town in Jesus’ name.

Births, Marriages and Deaths

We love children! We would be delighted to include a naming ceremony or baptism of your baby during Sunday morning worship, and it would be our privilege to invite you to be part of our family worship every week. Our minister can also conduct the marriage of couples who feel that Dromore Methodist is (or could be) their home church. And if you find yourself in the sad place of needing to arrange a funeral for a loved one, please don’t feel that you must walk this journey alone – it doesn’t matter whether they or you have had a connection with us in the past, we will do our best to help you. Please contact the Rev. Ross Harte for more information via the contact details on the Home page.


Our sanctuary can be found at 2 Maypole Hill in Dromore. It has a gallery and can hold around 300 people at a squeeze(!). The connected minor hall is often used for fitness classes, and the new hall and rooms are available to hire by anyone in the community (subject to insurance requirements and being in sympathy with Methodist theology and practice). Please get in touch for more information.

Contact Details

You can find our contact details on the Home page.