Whether you’ve been part of church for all your life, or it hasn’t been part of your recent experience, or somewhere in between – maybe you feel the nudge of God to reflect on Jesus this week?

We’ll gather in our building on Maypole Hill (and livestream) this coming Thursday evening and Sunday morning, and unite with other Christians on Wednesday and Friday nights. The sanctuary will be open for prayer 11am-2pm Thursday, and there’ll be an extended time of worship and prayer online on Easter Sunday evening from the Harte family living room.

You’re always warmly welcome to join in, because keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, together, brings transformation to us all!

The Basics

Circuit Holy Week Service
Wednesday 27 March 7.30pm
Maghergall Methodist Church with Rev. Aian Ferguson and Circuit musicians

24 Hours of Prayer
Thursday 28 March – pray for one hour for God’s renewal
Resources available, church open 11am – 2pm

Tenebrae Service
Readings, songs and silence in the church
Thursday 28 March 7.30pm

United Good Friday Service incl Holy Communion
Friday 29 March 7.30pm
First Dromore Presbyterian Church

Easter Morning Celebration
Sunday 31 March 11am
with Susanna Curry and the Praise Group

Easter Living Room Worship
Sunday 31 March 8pm
Online, led by the Harte family from the manse

The Details

Dromore Methodist Church is part of the Lagan Valley & South Down Circuit of the Methodist Church in Ireland. On the Wednesday of Holy Week, folks from all nine congregations will gather to worship together at 7.30pm in Magheragall Methodist Church (Glenavy Rd, Lisburn BT28 3UT). This year the music will be provided by musicians from amongst the churches (including our young people), and the preacher will be the Rev. Aian Ferguson.

Beginning with the circuit service, and throughout Thursday 28 March, Dromore Methodists will contribute to the Methodist Church in Ireland’s Lenten season of non-stop prayer. You can select any one-hour slot from 8pm Wednesday to 8pm Thursday, and pray at home. The church sanctuary will be open 11am to 2pm on Thursday if you’d prefer to pray there. Resources for both prayer at home or in the church are available in the porch, or request by contacting Ross.

The ‘Tenebrae‘ service on Thursday 28 March at 7.30pm is a solemn time of reflection on the bible passages describing Jesus’ crucifixion and death, led by the Rev. Ross Harte. As each passage is read, more lights are extinguished in the building until we are left sitting in darkness and silence. We leave quietly, reflecting on the days that are to come, when all seems lost, before the Resurrection.

Our Good Friday service of Holy Communion is, once again, united with our friends from First Dromore Presbyterian Church, in their building on Diamond Road at 7.30pm. Their new minister, the Rev. Keith McIlroy, will preach as we consider Jesus’ body broken for us, his blood shed for us on the cross.

We don’t meet on Saturday – perhaps you can take some time to quietly reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice?

Then on Easter Sunday morning at 11am, we’ll come together again to celebrate that Jesus didn’t remain dead in his tomb, but was raised to life again! Our Praise Group will lead our singing, and Mrs. Susanna Curry will preach. There’s nothing quite like being in church on Resurrection Day!

To conclude the week, let’s sing! The Harte family will host Living Room Worship at 8pm on Easter Sunday, on the church facebook page and youtube channel. It’ll be an opportunity for extended worship and prayer, celebrating the abundant life found in Jesus. You’re welcome to suggest resurrection songs to sing! Just send Ross a message.

Categories: events