Rev. Ross writes:

The practice of Sabbatical is helpful in bringing about transformation, restoration and greater fruitfulness for both the person receiving it and the people giving it. Sabbaticals follow the biblical principle of leaving fields fallow for a year once every seven years, allowing the soil to recover in preparation for future harvests.

The Methodist Church in Ireland gives the gift of Sabbatical to ministers after their first ten years and then every seven years thereafter. Between family sickness and the covid pandemic, mine has been postponed since 2018! As I said a few weeks ago in worship, I’m really feeling the need for a rest with family and friends, to discover a rhythm of life and spiritual disciplines that works for me in this season of life, and to refocus my leadership and calling.

So, from 1st July through to 31st October, I will be on Sabbatical. Some of that time will be spent on holiday, but much will involve pursuing some hobbies that have been neglected in recent years such as reading and cycling. I plan to visit some of the other churches in Dromore to build our unity in Christ, and will finish a Coaching Course. Part of the process is having space to see where God is leading next! Kathryn and the boys will still be part of worship and church family occasions, but you probably won’t see me unless we bump into each other while walking in town – and I’ll be very happy to chat 😊

Meanwhile, you will be in great hands. Susanna Curry’s preaching ministry is appreciated by us all, and she has kindly agreed to lead worship on Sunday mornings approximately twice a month. Other great local preachers and retired ministers will bring you encouragement on the other weeks. Tom Deacon will be available should any pastoral issues arise – so if you’re sick or in other need of a minister, he will be very happy to help. Thomas Clarke will do the same during Tom’s holidays. Village Leaders will try to stay in touch too. And if you don’t often make it to Sunday worship, please send an occasional message in the Church Whatsapp group or comment on the Facebook page or YouTube channel, so we can know you’re doing ok.

Linda Dougan is our Society Steward, and will be happy to hear from you if you need further clarity on how things are working. David Turtle is our Circuit Superintendent – he will chair our September Church Council meeting and is available to help with any wider leadership  matters.

In my most recent sermon I shared how Elijah, worn out and seeking direction, needed to, “EAT, FEET & MEET” … I’ll be trying to listen to my own teaching during the coming months, and I encourage you to do the same. Please try to eat with someone else from the congregation at least once. Please consider going for a walk with someone, chatting about life and maybe even praying as you go (you could talk with Elaine Fairley about joining the new ‘Step Up’ group that’s also raising funds for Methodist World Development and Relief). And please seek the presence of God in all things, with one another: meeting God makes all the difference.

See you on Sunday 6 November, if not before!
With much love,


Categories: announcements