We are pleased to be able to return to in-person worship after a second long lockdown, on Easter Sunday, 4th April, at 11am. It will be a special moment, the first time meeting as a church body in the sanctuary since Christmas! You can book your pew now, which helps us to plan our capacity.

All of the strict hygiene rules from before the lockdown will be in place on Easter Sunday and each week thereafter to ensure your safety:

  • if you’re feeling unwell, please enjoy the service online, don’t come to the building
  • sanitise your hands when you enter by the main street entrance
  • wear a face covering unless exempt
  • walk through the church in a clockwise direction, and leave by the fire exit at the front of the building
  • two-thirds of our pews are closed at present, so you might have to sit in a different part of the sanctuary, or use the overflow in the hall as more people feel comfortable to join in
  • sit by household or bubble
  • maintain two metres’ distance from other folks (don’t shake hands or hug) – we know this is difficult!
  • wipe down the pew with the wipes we’ll provide as you leave
  • please don’t linger in the building at the end of the service, but instead greet one another briefly, still wearing masks, outdoors

If you aren’t ready to worship in the church building yet, do not worry! We have invested in internet cabling and new technology to allow our services to be broadcast to facebook and youtube every week, so you can join us live at 11am from wherever you might be. And if you know someone who doesn’t have internet access but would love to watch or listen to the services, please get in touch – we have a variety of solutions to help.

Categories: announcements