After four weeks trying worship outdoors, we’re going to experiment with moving into the Hall this Sunday morning (13 September 2020). This brings shelter from the weather and warmer fellowship, but also involves some restrictions. Please see our handy list below!

In particular, please note these TWO things:

1. You need to book your seat
This is easy to do, just fill in the simple form at
Knowing who’s coming helps us to fulfil our duties relating to the government’s covid-tracing system, and will help us to know if we’re at risk of exceeding our capacity.

2. Please bring some bread and a drink of red/purple juice
We’re going to try sharing communion together on Sunday morning, but you will need to provide your own elements to eat and drink in your seat.

When you arrive at the church, please enter by the Fire Escape doors on the car park side of the Hall – we’ll leave by the main doors. The rest of the church building will remain closed as before.

If you are unable to join us in person, or we reach our capacity, the service will continue to be streamed live at 11am to Facebook and YouTube as in previous weeks.

Categories: announcements