15 August 2020

Hello friends, it’s looking like the weather will permit our outdoor worship tomorrow morning at 11am, and we’re really looking forward to seeing you!

What to expect? People bring their own chairs and drinks, sit in household clumps and keep normal 2m distance. We’ll have a short service of prayer and sharing together, and then disperse.

Join in – please bring an object, photo, song lyric, bible passage, etc that represents something/one that has brought you joy or comfort during lockdown.

Who? We really hope all ages will feel welcome – don’t worry about noise or fuss, it’ll just be great to be together again, albeit with restrictions (eg we won’t be singing)

Where? In the church car park. Blue badge holders should be able to park in the lower car park. If walking up the hill to the main car park is difficult for you, I think we can fit two or three cars beside the hedge.

Why outdoor? We hope it will allow more folks to participate as outdoor gatherings hold less risk of covid transmission

Online too? I’m hoping I can get the technology to work to stream to Facebook and YouTube – if it works I’ll send links tomorrow morning close to 11am on the church WhatsApp group.

Face coverings? These are not mandatory outdoors but you are welcome to wear a face mask if you desire.

Don’t have a seat? You’re free to collect a chair from the hall and return it afterwards.

Offering? There will be an opportunity to give an offering as you leave at the end of the service. Thank you so much if you have been posting or transferring gifts electronically!

More questions? Please just ask 🙂 Much love, Ross and the Dromore Methodist Church leaders.

Categories: announcements